Perancangan Model Pengukuran Kinerja Sistem GreenSupply Chain Management (GSCM) menggunakan model SCOR pada Pabrik Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit (STUDI KASUS : PT. MUTIARA ARGO SEJAHTERA) (TA

Hijriyana, Rangi and Siswanto, Budi Nur and Lestiani, Melia Eka (2021) Perancangan Model Pengukuran Kinerja Sistem GreenSupply Chain Management (GSCM) menggunakan model SCOR pada Pabrik Pengolahan Kelapa Sawit (STUDI KASUS : PT. MUTIARA ARGO SEJAHTERA) (TA Diploma thesis, STIMLOG INDONESIA.

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ABSTRACK The palm oil industry is one of the plantation industries that is experiencing significant growth, such as in North Sumatra (North Sumatra). This growth is inseparable from the increasing consumption and demand for mustard palm oil both domestically and abroad. Along with the increase in palm oil production, problems arise such as the impact of changes on the environment, where the environmental impacts occur throughout the life cycle of the product being processed and will produce waste from the process of producing fresh palm oil into CPO. It is important for every company to form an environmentally friendly industry as regulated in the legislation of Law number 3 of 2014 in article 30 where the industry must utilize natural resources efficiently, environmentally friendly and sustainably, and to meet export criteria that must have requirements as a company environmentally friendly. An environmentally friendly industry can be formed if we pay attention to the part in supply chain management. One of the ways is by managing greensupply chain management. By measuring greensupply chain management, besides being able to determine the company's performance in terms of green, companies can also increase their attention to the environment so that later they can minimize the negative impact of the company's business processes themselves. PT. Mutiara Agro Sejahtera, which is located in Aek Kota Batu, Na-IX-X Labuhan Batu District, is one of the factories established in the sub-district where PT. Pearl Argo Sejahtera is engaged in processing crude palm oil which is crude palm oil (Crude Palm oil ). PT. Mutiara Argo Sejahtera has not applied the greenconcept to its business processes, the importance of using environmentally friendly technology in carrying out its production process. This is easily applied if there are performance measurements and monitoring activities in the oil palm processing process. The SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference) model is a reference in measuring performance and monitoring manufacturing activities. The conceptual model in this study begins with identifying stakeholders, identifying business processes, identifying greenrequirements, identifying GreenObjectives, and selecting KPIs. Several KPIs are identified based on those contained in the matrix SCOR. After the KPI design, the importance level is weighted using the AHP method. The results of this study were obtained from this process obtained from 23 KPIs and 12 GreenObjectives that were submitted to the company to verify. From the verification, we obtained 19 KPIs and 11 GreenObjectives that were verified by the company. The results of grouping KPIs with the Traffic Light System, it can be seen that there are 9 KPIs that have greencolor, 5 KPIs that are yellow and 5 that are red. After processing the data using the GreenSCOR, the final performance value of the greensupply chain is 91.6, which is in the Good category. Keywords: GreenSupply Chain Management (GSCM) System, Supply Chain Operations Refference (SCOR), Analytical Hierarchy Process. ABSTRAK Industri kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu industri perkebunan yang mengalami pertumbuhan siginifikan, seperti di Sumatera Utara (Sumut). Pertembuhun tersebut tidak terlepas dari semakin tingginya konsumsi dan permintaan minyak kelapa sawi baik dari dalam negeri maupun luar negeri. Seiring dengan peningkatan produksi kelapa sawit maka munculah permasalahan seperti dampak perubahan pada lingkungan, di mana dampak lingkungan yang ditimbulkan terjadi sepanjang siklus hidup produk yang di proses dan akan menghasilkan waste dari proses produksi kelapa sawit segar menjadi CPO. Penting bagi setiap perusahaan membentuk industri yang ramah lingkungan sebagaimana di atur dalam perundang-undangan UU nomor 3 tahun 2014 pada pasal 30 dimana industri harus memnfaatkan sumber daya alam secara efisien, ramah lingkungan dan berkelanjutan, dan untuk memenuhi kriteria ekspor yang harus memiiki syarat sebagai perusahaan ramah lingkungan. Industri yang ramh lingkungan dapat dibentuk jika memperhatikan bagian dalam supply chain management. Salah satu caranya dengan pengelolaan greensupply chain management. Dengan pengukuran greensupply chain management selain dapat mengetahui kinerja perusahaan dari segi green, perusahaan juga dapat meningkatkan perhatiannya terhadap lingkungan sehingga nantinya dapat memin imasi dampak negatif dari proses bisnis perusahaan itu sendiri. PT. Mutiara Agro Sejahtera yang terletak di Aek Kota Batu Kecamatan Na-IX-X Labuhan Batu Utara adalah salah satu dari pabrik yang berdiri di kecamatan tersebut di mana PT.Mutiara Argo Sejahtera bergerak pada bidang pengolahan minyak sawit kasar yang merupakan minyak kelapa sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil ). PT. Mutiara Argo Sejahtera belum menerapkan konsep greenpada proses bisnisnya, pentingnya penggunaan teknologi ramah lingkungan dalam menjalankan proses produksinya. Diterapkan dengan mudah jika ada pengukuran performa dan kegiatan monitoring pada proses pengolahan kelapa sawit. Model SCOR (Supply Chain Operation Reference) sebagai referensi dalam pengukuran performa dan memonitoring kegiatan manufaktur. Model konseptual pada penelitian ini diawali dengan mengidentifikasi stakeholder, identifikasi proses bisnis, identifikasi greenrequirements, identifikasi GreenObjective, dan pemilihan KPI. Beberapa KPI diidentifikasikan berdasarkan yang terdapat pada matriks SCOR. Setelah perancangan KPI dilakukan pembobotan tingkat kepentingan menggunakan metode AHP. Hasil dari penelitian ini diperoleh Dari proses ini didapat dari 23 KPI serta 12 GreenObjective yang di ajukan pada perusahaan untuk memverifikasi. Dari verifikasi di dapat 19 KPI dan 11 GreenObjective yang terverifikasi oleh pihak perusahaan. Hasil dari pengelompokan KPI dengan Traffic Light System, dapat dilihat bahwa terdapat 9 KPI yang mempunyai warna hijau, 5 KPI yang berwarna kuning dan 5 yang berwarna merah. Setelah pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan GreenSCOR maka didapatkan nilai kinerja akhir greensupply chain ialah sebesar 91,6 dimana angka tersebut masuk dalam kategori Good. Kata Kunci : Sistem GreenSupply Chain Management (GSCM), Supply Chain Operations Refference (SCOR), Analytical Hierarchy Process.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor > HD28 Management. Industrial Management
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email [email protected]
Date Deposited: 02 Mar 2022 08:57
Last Modified: 02 Mar 2022 08:57

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