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v ABSTRAK Putri Dian Indahrawati, Analisis peningkatan profitabilias perusahaan Lion Parcel dengan metode Fuzzy Servqual dan Importance Analysis Performance, Bandung, Manajemen Transportasi, 2020 Zaman sekarang banyak sekali bermunculan penyedia jasa baru sehingga penyedia jasa lama berbondong – bondong merevitalisasi agar dipandang oleh konsumen kembali. Salah satu perusahaan yang menjual jasa pengiriman barang yang ada di Indonesia yaitu Lion Parcel. Dikarenakan Lion Parcel tergolong perusahaan baru, tidak sedikit pelanggan yang mengeluh mengenai pelayanan yang diberikan Lion Parcel. Contohnya, keterlambatan pengiriman barang, kurangnya respon jika terjadi sebuah komplain, sikap pegawai dan daya tanggap pegawai. Keluhan konsumen ini merupakan kritik yang perlu dilakukannya penilaian kepuasan pelanggan dan evaluasi proses pemesanan dan pengiriman barang. Pentingnya melakukan penilaian ini guna membantu Lion Parcel dalam meningkatkan level customer satisfaction konsumen merasa senang dan terciptanya kepercayaan dan loyalitas konsumen terhadap Lion Parcel serta meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan analisis kualitas pelayanan serta memberi usulan perbaikan yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan sehingga menikatkan profitabilitas Lion Parcel Bandung. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan melakukan perhitungan Fuzzy Servqual harapan dan presepsi untuk menentukan kesenjangan (GAP) yang ada dan menggunakan perhitungan Importance Performance Analysis untuk mengetahui faktor yang perlu diperbaiki dan ditingkatkan kinerjannya sehingga dapat meningkatkan profitabilitas perusahaan. Berdasarkan penelitian menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), profitabilitas perusahaan dapat meningkat dengan melakukan perbaikan pada atribut di kuadran A karena sangat mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan, atribut pada kuadran A yaitu pemberian informasi, kesigapan karyawan, pemberian jaminan, kemampuan menanamkan kepercayaan dan permohonan maaf atas sikap yang kurang baik. Sedangkan atribut di Kuadran B perlu meningkatkan kinerjanya pada atribut ketepatan dan kecepatan pengiriman barang, ketepatan memenuhi janji, kesungguhan dalam melayani konsumen dan pemberian rasa aman dalam bertransaksi, sikap karyawan, ketepatan dan kecepatan waktu pelayanan, berjalannya SOP, keterampilan dan profesionalisme pelayanan dan memprioritaskan pelanggan. Kata kunci: Lion Parcel, Fuzzy Servqual, Importance Performance Analysis vi ABSTRACT Putri Dian Indahrawati, Analisis peningkatan profitabilias perusahaan Lion Parcel dengan metode Fuzzy Servqual dan Importance Analysis Performance, Bandung, Manajemen Logistik, 2020 Nowadays, there are so many new service providers that the old service providers have flocked to revitalize them to be seen by consumers again. Because Lion Parcel is a new company, not a few customers have complained about the services provided by Lion Parcel. For example, delays in delivery of goods, lack of response if a complaint occurs, employee attitudes and employee responsiveness. This consumer complaint is a criticism that needs to be assessed for customer satisfaction and evaluation of the ordering and shipping processes. The importance of conducting this assessment is to help Lion Parcel in increasing the level of customer satisfaction, consumers feel happy and create consumer trust and loyalty towards Lion Parcel and increase the company's profitability. One of the companies that sells goods delivery services in Indonesia is Lion Parcel. Because Lion Parcel is a new company, not a few customers have complained about the services provided by Lion Parcel. For example, late delivery of goods, lack of response if a complaint occurs, employee attitudes and employee responsiveness. This consumer complaint is a criticism that needs to be assessed for customer satisfaction and evaluation of the ordering and shipping processes. The importance of conducting this assessment is to help Lion Parcel in improving the level of customer satisfaction, consumers feel happy and create consumer trust and loyalty towards Lion Parcel and increase the company's profitability. In this study, an analysis of service quality was carried out and suggested improvements that could be used to improve service quality so as to tie the profitability of Lion Parcel Bandung. Based on the research conducted, customer satisfaction is strongly influenced by the attributes of providing information, employee alertness, assurance, the ability to instill trust and apologies for bad attitudes. While the factors that can increase the company's profitability are improving and improving the performance of providing information, employee alertness, providing guarantees, the ability to instill trust, apologies for employee attitudes. Of these factors, factors that can be used to improve performance (based on the importance of performance analysis) are the provision of information, alertness of employees, provision of guarantees, the ability to instill trust and apologies for bad behavior, accuracy and speed of delivery of goods, accuracy in fulfilling promises, sincerity in serving consumers and providing a sense of security in transactions, employee attitudes, accuracy and speed of service time, running SOPs, skills and service professionalism and prioritizing customers. Keywords: Lion Parcel, Fuzzy Servqual, Importance Performance Analysis
Item Type: | Thesis (Diploma) |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email [email protected] |
Date Deposited: | 10 Mar 2022 02:52 |
Last Modified: | 10 Mar 2022 02:52 |
URI: | |
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