Siswanto, Budi Nur (2020) USAHA PERBAIKAN KINERJA BANK SAMPAH INDUK CIMAHI (SAMICI). Jurnal Manajemen Logistik dan Transportasi, 6 (3). pp. 156-163. ISSN 2442-9341
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ABSTRAK Pertambahan penduduk Indonesia diproyeksikan akan terus bertambah dan tentunya diiringi meningkatnya jumlah timbulan sampah. Timbulan sampah pada Tahun 2016 di Indonesia mecapai 65,2 Juta Ton/tahun, dengan jumlah penduduk yang tercatat pada World Bank sebanyak 261,6 Juta jiwa. Salah satu inovasi yang dilakukan pemerintah Cimahi untuk menghadapi isu tersebut yaitu dengan mencanangkan program “Cimahi Zero Waste City 2037” di mana target pengurangan sampah yang berasal dari sumber pemukiman. Bank Sampah Induk Cimahi (Bank Samici) merupakan Bank Sampah yang diprakarsai oleh pemerintah Kota Cimahi, untuk membantu mengurangi beban pengolahan sampah, dengan performance yang terukur untuk mengurangi penurunan antusias masyarakat dalam ikut serta menyukseskan program pemerintah. Perbaikan indikator performance yang dikeluhkan pelanggan yang antusias mengikuti program bisa menjadi motor bertambahnya jumlah pelanggan. Pengukuran kinerja menggunakan pendekatan model Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) dengan pembobotan pada proses proses utama menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) dengan tools aplikasi expert choice. Penjadwalan dan pemilihan rute menggunakan metode Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) dengan makro Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Excell. Berdasarkan pengukuran kinerja reverse logistics yang telah dilakukan Bank Samici yang mengacu pada Performance Measurement and Improvement Trienekens and Improvement in Supply Chain maka perolehan nilai akhir yang didapatkan yakni sebesar 54,18 yang artinya bahwa kinerja Bank Samici masuk dalam kategori rata-rata atau average. Usulan usulan perbaikan pada 10 indikator yaitu: Pemenuhan order sampah produk PT. Unilever (KPI 10), Proses Pemilahan Sampah (KPI 11) dan Proses Pengemasan Sampah (KPI 12), Biaya Transportasi (KPI 14), Penjemputan Sampah (KPI 15), Pelaksanaan Sosialisasi Program Bank Sampah (KPI 1) dan Peningkatan Jumlah Nasabah (KPI 2), Input Nota Masuk ke Sistem Simbah (KPI 4) dan Input Nota Keluar ke Sistem Simbah (KPI 5), dan Pembuatan Produk Daur Ulang (KPI 13). Kata kunci: SCOR, VRPTW, AHP, Sampah, 3R ABSTRACT The population growth in Indonesia is projected to continue to increase and of course accompanied by an increase in the amount of waste generation. Waste generation in 2016 in Indonesia reached 65.2 million tons/ year, with a population recorded at the World Bank of 261.6 million. One of the innovations made by the Cimahi government to deal with this issue is by launching the "Cimahi Zero Waste City 2037" program, which targets to reduce waste originating from residential sources. The Cimahi Main Waste Bank (Bank Samici) is a Waste Bank initiated by the Cimahi City government, to help reduce the burden of waste processing, with measurable performance to reduce the decrease in community enthusiasm in participating in the success of government programs. Improvements in performance indicators complained of by customers who are enthusiastic about participating in the program can be a motor for increasing the number of customers. Performance measurement uses the Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model approach by weighting the main process using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with expert choice application tools. Scheduling and route selection using the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW) method with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) Excel macro. Based on the measurement of reverse logistics performance that has been carried out by Bank Samici which refers to the Performance Measurement and Improvement Triendration and Improvement in the Supply Chain, the final value obtained is 54.18 which means that the performance of Bank Samici is in the average category. The proposed improvements to 10 indicators, namely: Fulfillment of orders for waste products of PT. Unilever (KPI 10), Waste Sorting Process (KPI 11) and Garbage Packaging Process (KPI 12), Transportation Costs (KPI 14), Waste Collection (KPI 15), Implementing the Socialization of the Waste Bank Program (KPI 1) and Increasing the Number of Customers (KPI 2), Input Notes to the Waste System (KPI 4) and Input Note Out to the Waste System (KPI 5), and Making Recycled Products (KPI 13). Keywords: SCOR, VRPTW, AHP, Garbage, 3R
Item Type: | Article |
Subjects: | H Social Sciences > H Social Sciences (General) H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications |
Depositing User: | Unnamed user with email [email protected] |
Date Deposited: | 16 Feb 2022 08:27 |
Last Modified: | 16 Feb 2022 08:27 |
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