Annisa, Faizatul Khairiyatu and Dewi, Nurlaela Kumala and Purnama, Anggi Widya (2020) ANALISIS RANTAI PASOK DAN PENGELOMPOKKAN TITIK DISTRIBUSI KOMODITAS KOPI PADA KELOMPOK TANI (Studi Kasus Di Desa Mekarluyu (TA Diploma thesis, STIMLOG INDONESIA.

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ABSTRAK Permasalahan mengenai pendapatan sering terjadi antar anggota rantai pasok, hal ini terjadi pada kelompok tani Pamandian Tunggal Mandiri di desa Mekarluyu Garut. Ditengah wabah pandemi virus covid-19 harga kopi turun sehingga keuntungan yang diperoleh petani semakin sedikit. Ditambah lagi petani harus mengeluarkan biaya transportasi sendiri akibat tidak adanya pengepul yang mau mengambil langsung ke kebun dikarenakan akses jalan yang rusak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pemetaan jaringan distribusi rantai pasok kopi dan untuk mengetahui pengelompokkan titik distribusi kopi oleh petani ke pengepul terdekat. Jenis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil wawancara sedangkan data sekunder meliputi buku-buku, laporan penelitian sebelumnya dan sumber lain yang berkaitan dengan masalah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Analisis Deskriptif dan Algoritma Tabu Search dengan pendektan centre of gravity. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terdapat tiga aliran utama pada rantai pasok kopi kelompok tani yaitu aliran barang mengenai pergerakan kopi. Aliran uang mengenai mekanisme pembayaran. Dan aliran informasi mengenai komunikasi antara pelaku rantai pasok. Pengelompokkan titik distribusi kopi untuk pengepul Cibuntu 41 petani total jarak 59,2 km, total biaya transportasi Rp. 5.488.000,-, total keuntungan Rp.43.712.000, dan penghematan jarak dan biaya transportasi pada 28 petani. Pengepul Sudalarang 8 petani total jarak 12 km total biaya transportasi Rp. 1.026.000,-, total keuntungan Rp.8.574.000,- dan penghematan jarak dan biaya transportasi 3 petani. Pengepul Pamandian 31 petani total jarak 43,6 km total biaya transportasi Rp.4.091.500,- total keuntungan Rp.33.108.500,- dan penghematan jarak dan biaya transportasi 16 petani. Pengepul Peundey 20 petani total jarak 31,9 km total biaya transportasi Rp.2.740.000,-, total keuntungan Rp. 21.260.000,- dan penghematan jarak dan biaya transportasi 7 petani. Pengepul Cipeucang 16 petani total jarak 21,7 km total biaya transportasi Rp.2.096.500,-, total keuntungan Rp. 17.103.500,- dan penghematan jarak dan biaya transportasi 8 petani. Kata kunci : Total jarak, Biaya transportasi, Titik distribusi, Rantai Pasok. viii ABSTRACT Problems regarding income often occur between members of the supply chain, this is the case with the Pamandian Tunggal Mandiri farmer group in Mekarluyu Garut village. In the midst of the Covid-19 virus pandemic, the price of coffee has dropped so that the profits earned by farmers are getting smaller. In addition, farmers have to pay their own transportation costs due to the absence of collectors who want to take directly to the garden due to damaged road access. The purpose of this study was to determine the mapping of the coffee supply chain distribution network and to determine the grouping of coffee distribution points by farmers to the nearest collectors. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained from interviews, while secondary data includes books, previous research reports and other sources related to research problems. The method used in this research is Descriptive Analysis and Tabu Search Algorithm with centre of gravity. The results showed that there were three main flows in the coffee supply chain for farmer groups, namely the flow of goods regarding the movement of coffee. The flow of money regarding the payment mechanism. And the flow of information regarding communication between supply chain actors. Grouping of coffee distribution points for Cibuntu 41 farmers, the total distance is 59.2 km, the total transportation cost is Rp. 5,488,000, -, a total profit of Rp. 43,712,000, and savings on distance and transportation costs for 28 farmers. Sudalarang collectors 8 farmers, a total distance of 12 km, the total transportation cost is Rp. 1,026,000, -, a total profit of Rp.8,574,000 and savings on distance and transportation costs for 3 farmers. Pamandian collectors are 31 farmers, with a total distance of 43.6 km, the total transportation cost is Rp.4,091,500, - the total profit is Rp.33,108,500, - and the distance and transportation cost savings are 16 farmers. Peundey collectors, 20 farmers, total distance of 31.9 km, total transportation costs Rp. 2,740,000, - total profit Rp. 21,260,000, - and savings on distance and transportation costs for 7 farmers. Cipeucang collectors 16 farmers, total distance of 21.7 km, total transportation costs Rp. 2,096,500, - total profit Rp. 17,103,500, - and savings on distance and transportation costs for 8 farmers. Keywords: Total distance, transportation costs, distribution points, supply chain

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HE Transportation and Communications
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email [email protected]
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2022 04:29
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 04:29

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