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ABSTRAK Di dunia logistik palet merupakan alat yang berperan penting terhadap perpindahan barang dari suatu origin ke destination. Palet kayu ini sistemnya sewa, dimana penyewaan dilakukan setiap hari dengan harga sewa Rp 147,-/pcs. Kelebihan palet kayu dengan sistem sewa ini tidak perlu mengeluarkan biaya pemeliharaan dan biaya pallet TBR. Namun kekurangannya, palet kayu rentan terhadap serangan hama dan cuaca, adanya spliinter dan kayu mencuat, rentan rusak dan menimbulkan kerugian berupa denda, sistem penyewaan yang dilakukan kontinus setiap hari, dan terkait isu lingkungan dimana bahan utama pembuatan palet ini adalah kayu. Jumlah kerusakan BER pallet kayu melebihi ambang batas normal yakni 200 pcs per bulannya pada Januari-Oktober 2019 dan denda kerusakan sebesar Rp 130.000,-/palet. Sehingga kerugian perusahaan lebih dari Rp 41 juta. Perkembangan zaman yang pesat memberikan inovasi palet dari material lain selain kayu, seperti palet plastik yang kini banyak digunakan perusahaan-perusahaan logistik. Palet plastik yang berbahan dasar HDPE, kuat, dan sistemnya one time purchased serta ramah lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis kelayakan pengantian pallet kayu ke pallet plastik dilihat dari aspek teknis, aspek finansial, aspek manajemen (termasuk pengadaan), aspek lingkungan, dan analisis sewa/beli/leasing pada WDC/gudang Linfox Logistics. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisis kelayakan pengantian palet kayu ke palet plastik dengan 5 metoda analisis yaitu analisis aspek teknis, analisis aspek finansial, analisis aspek manajemen (termasuk pengadaan), analisis aspek lingkungan, dan analisis beli/sewa/leasing pada gudang PT Linfox Logistics Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis aspek teknis, aspek manejemen, aspek lingkungan dan analisis sewa/beli/leasing dianalisis dengan observasi dan kuisioner/wawancara lalu divalidasi oleh landasan teori terkait. Indikator yang dicantumkan pada aspek manajemen, aspek teknis, dan aspek lingkungan adalah hasil observasi dan studi literatur. Sedangkan penjabaran pallet kayu dan pallet plastik dari indikator masing-masing diperoleh dari wawancara dengan Manajer Palet Linfox. Dilakukan analisis finansial dengan perhitungan Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), dan Payback Period (PBP). Hasil analisis ima dari tujuh indikator aspek teknis, perpindahan dan pengadaan palet aspek manajemen, dan dampak lingkungan dan limbah aspek lingkungan bahwa palet plastik lebih unggul dari palet kayu dimana selaras dengan visi dan misi perusahaan. Sedangkan berdasarkan hasil perhitungan NPV palet kayu adalah Rp,- dan nilai NPV palet plastik adalah Rp 54.230.644.037,-. Nilai Internal Rate of Return (IRR) palet kayu 79% dan nilai IRR palet plastik 79%. PBP palet kayu adalah 3,95 tahun dan PBP palet plastik adalah 4,03 tahun. Oleh karena itu palet kayu dan palet plastik layak dijalankan. Namun disesuaikan lagi dengan orientasi, visi dan misi perusahaan, investasi palet plastik layak menggantikan investasi palet kayu. Begitupun analisis sewa/beli/leasing yang paling menguntungkan adalah menjalankan investasi palet plastik dengan sistem beli/one time purchased. ii STIMLOG Indonesia Kata kunci : palet kayu, palet plastik, aspek teknis, aspek manajemen, aspek finansial, aspek lingkungan 3 STIMLOG Indonesia ABSTRACT In the world of logistics, pallets are a tool that plays an important role in moving goods from an origin to destination. This wooden pallet is a rental system, where the rental is carried out every day at a rental price of IDR 147, - / pcs. The advantages of wooden pallets with this rental system do not need to pay for maintenance costs and TBR pallet costs. However, the drawbacks are that wooden pallets are susceptible to pest and weather attacks, the presence of splinters and wood sticking out, are prone to damage and cause losses in the form of fines, a rental system that is carried out continuously every day, and related to environmental issues where the main material for making these pallets is wood. The amount of damage to the BER of wooden pallets exceeds the normal threshold of 200 pcs per month in January-October 2019 and the damage fine is IDR 130,000 / pallet. So that the company lost more than Rp. 41 million. The rapid development of the times has provided innovations for pallets from materials other than wood, such as plastic pallets which are now widely used by logistics companies. Plastic pallets made from HDPE, are strong, and the system is one time purchased and is environmentally friendly. The research objective was to analyze the feasibility of replacing wooden pallets to plastic pallets in terms of technical aspects, financial aspects, management aspects (including procurement), environmental aspects, and rent/purchase/leasing analysis at Linfox Logistics WDC/warehouse. This study is to analyze the feasibility of replacing wooden pallets to plastic pallets with 5 analysis methods, namely technical aspect analysis, financial aspect analysis, management aspect analysis (including procurement), environmental aspect analysis, and purchase / lease / leasing analysis at PT Linfox Logistics Indonesia warehouse. The research was conducted by observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of technical aspects, management aspects, environmental aspects and rental / purchase / leasing analysis were analyzed by observation and questionnaires / interviews and then validated by the related theoretical basis. The indicators included in management, technical and environmental aspects are the results of observations and literature studies. Meanwhile, the description of wooden pallets and plastic pallets from the respective indicators is obtained from interviews with Linfox Pallet Managers. Financial analysis was carried out by calculating the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PBP). IMA analysis results from seven indicators of technical aspects, management aspects of pallet movement and procurement, and environmental impact and environmental aspects of waste that plastic pallets are superior to wooden pallets which are in line with the company's vision and mission. Meanwhile, based on the results of the NPV calculation for wooden pallets is Rp. 59,111,014,786, - and the NPV value of plastic pallets is Rp. 54,230,644,037. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) value for wooden pallets is 79% and the IRR value for plastic pallets is 79%. PBP of wooden pallets is 3.95 years and PBP of plastic pallets is 4.03 years. Therefore wooden pallets and plastic pallets are feasible. However, in accordance with the orientation, vision and mission of the company, investment in plastic pallets should replace investment in wooden pallets. Likewise, the most profitable lease / purchase analysis is to invest in plastic pallets with a one time purchased system. Keywords: wooden pallets, plastic pallets, technical aspects, management aspects, financial aspects, environmental aspects

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: H Social Sciences > HD Industries. Land use. Labor
Depositing User: Unnamed user with email [email protected]
Date Deposited: 23 Feb 2022 07:11
Last Modified: 23 Feb 2022 07:11

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